Chosen #1 seller’s tool kit by David Zimmerman

Seller Legend – The Leading FBA Seller Tool Kit in 2021 Youtube Livestream by David Zimmermann highlights SellerLegend as the ultimate tool for Amazon sellers, receiving the highest Overall Score of 111.5 in determining the 'BEST Amazon Profit Tool – FBA Seller Tools Kit for 2021'. 2020 has been the most challenging year for everyone, …

How to Deal with Bad Amazon Reviews

Negative reviews are a bane for every Amazon seller.  A one-star rating can significantly harm your product’s overall rating. It doesn’t matter whether you’re an Amazon FBA or FBM seller, a single bad review can devastate your reputation especially have fewer sales and/or reviews for the product. More than a few bad ratings and you …

A Can’t-Miss Event for Amazon Sellers: The European Seller Conference in Prague

There’s no shortage of online Amazon seller events that vendors and sellers can attend when they’re looking to upgrade their knowledge and skills. But nothing beats going to a live, face-to-face industry event. If you’re an Amazon seller based in Europe, I highly recommend investing time and resources to attend high-quality events. Sometimes just leaving …

How to Deal with Bad Amazon Reviews

Negative reviews are a bane for every Amazon seller. A one-star rating can significantly harm your product’s overall rating. It doesn’t matter whether you’re an Amazon FBA or FBM seller, a single bad review can devastate your reputation especially have fewer sales and/or reviews for the product. More than a few bad ratings and you …

A Can’t-Miss Event for Amazon Sellers: The European Seller Conference in Prague

There’s no shortage of online Amazon seller events that vendors and sellers can attend when they’re looking to upgrade their knowledge and skills. But nothing beats going to a live, face-to-face industry event. If you’re an Amazon seller based in Europe, I highly recommend investing time and resources to attend high-quality events. Sometimes just leaving …

Striving for Stellar Customer Service and Technical Support

At SellerLegend, we pride ourselves on giving customers the best possible experience. Our team works hard to ensure that SellerLegend users find the dashboards intuitive and helpful. More importantly, that our customer base of Amazon sellers gets the highest level of technical support when the need arises. Customer Service Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) 1. Volume …