
Highly Accessible Amazon Sales Summary

Amazon Sellers can effortlessly track product sales with SellerLegend. Our tool updates Amazon sales data every 30 minutes, providing color-coded insights to assess trends and performance and enabling Amazon sellers to make quick, data-driven decisions for optimizing their product portfolio.


Closely Monitor Amazon’s FBA Fees

SellerLegend's Comprehensive Fee Analysis for Amazon Sellers offers deep insights into all additional FBA fulfillment fees beyond sales and orders. This feature enhances cost transparency by breaking down various Amazon fees, helping sellers manage their Seller Central finances more effectively.


Every Transaction Counts!

The Amazon Settlement and Payout details provided by SellerLegend give Amazon sellers a comprehensive and transparent view of all their FBA account transactions. This feature allows users to examine individual transactions and experience a more detailed financial analysis of their Seller Central account.


Comprehensive Profit Calculation and Analysis

SellerLegend's Amazon Profit and Loss Statement is a powerful tool for managing finances on the platform. It empowers Amazon Sellers with crucial tools like detailed settlement data and detailed breakdown of each aspect of Amazon transactions. This means you make informed decisions and deeply understand your financial performance to achieve success on Amazon Marketplace.


Product and Sales Performance

Ever wanted to see in one unified view the collective performance of all your Amazon product listings either by SKU or by ASIN or by product group or by brand? Now you can. You can even aggregate by day, week, month, quarter or any custom period you’d like.

Additional Features: