Interactive Dashboards
Interactive Dashboards & Amazon Seller Central KPIs
Outstanding Product Management
Inventory Management and Forecasting
Sales Analytics
Sales and Revenue Monitoring
Returns & Reimbursements
Returns & Reimbursements
System Reports
System Reports
Customers Performance
Meticulous Customer Management
Amazon Ads Analysis
Amazon Sponsored Ads Analysis
Guest Access
Guest Access Management
Cost Of Goods
Flexible Cost Of Goods Management
Managing FBA Storage
Managing Amazon FBA Storage and Product Shipments
API for Amazon Sellers
SellerLegend's API for Amazon Sellers

Automated Handling of Other Operating Expenses Feature
- Account For ALL Your Business Expenses
- Only Enter Your Expenses Once And Let SellerLegend Post Your Expenses When The Recurring Date Is Due
- Assign Expenses To A Marketplace Generically Or To A Product Specifically
- Define One-Time Expenses Or Recurring Expenses
- Recurring Expenses By Week(s), Month(s), Year(s) Periods
- Recurring Periods Need Not Be Typical (For Ex., Expenses Incurred Every 4 Months, or Every 3 Weeks)
- Categorize Your Expenses By Your Own Category Names
- Get A List Of All Your Incurred Expenses, Sort Whichever Way You Want and Download To CSV
- Your Profit Is Adjusted To Account For Operating Expenses

Data Download Feature
- Unified Download Facility
- Download Any Type Of Information Into A CSV Format
- History Of Downloaded Data Is Never Deleted And Is Available At Any Time
- Downloaded Data Has 3 Date Fields For Universal Use In Excel
- Standard SellerLegend Format
- European Format
- US Format,

Daily/Weekly/Monthly Status Email Feature
- Chose A Time Frequency To Receive A Regular Email With Yesterday’s Statistics Per Marketplace and For All Your Active Products
- Product Statistics Is Via A Formatted Excel Spreadsheet, Not A CSV File

Powerful Notifications Facilities
- Be notified of important events affecting your business by email, by SMS ($) or internally within SellerLegend
- The SellerLegend Notifications Channel (Bell Icon At Top) Indicates Number Of Unread Notifications And Links To a Detailed Notifications Screen
- ($) Notes
- SMS Notifications are free only to US destinations.
- Fair Use Policy applies.
- Depends on your subscription level
- SellerLegend will provide SMS capabilities to non-US countries by interfacing with the Seller’s personal SMS account upon request.

Europe VAT Feature
- Tell SellerLegend In Which EU Countries You Are VAT Registered
- Use The Standard VAT Rate Or A Reduced Rate (User Specified) By Marketplace
- Set Specific VAT Rates On A Per Product Basis, If Required
- VAT Is Calculated By Order Item And Aggregated By Marketplace
- Your Profit Is Adjusted To Account For VAT
- Currently, Only Calculates VAT To Adjust Profit, Does Not Do VAT Reporting To Tax Administrations
- Currently, Only Caters For Individual Country VAT Sales (Inventory Located And Shipped In Same Country)
- Currently, Does Not Cater For European Fulfillment Network Or Pan European FBA
- Automated Production Of VAT Reporting To Authorities
- Automated Production Of VAT Invoices
- European Fulfillment Network And Pan-European FBA
- VAT Turnover Threshold Monitoring For All EU Countries (Know When You Are Required To Register For VAT In Each Country)

Listing Change Monitoring And History Feature
- SellerLegend will alert you to any change to your product listings, whether it is performed by yourself, by Amazon or by a competitor/hijacker. Alerts are sent to you via email or via the SellerLegend built-in notifications channel. We also will keep a history of your product listing changes and will show the history in a carousel, with every change highlighted. Not only do we track changes to the listing data, we also track changes to the meta-data. You can mute the notifications while still recording the product listing history.

Flexibility and Customization Feature
- Customize SellerLegend to behave exactly as you desire! Plenty of default inventory settings or specific by product. Enter time-based, historical or even future Cost Of Goods by product. Define your one-time or recurring business expenses. Organize your customers whichever way you see fit and assign customers any one of up to 10 customer levels automatically. Set your Europe VAT settings. Manage all kinds of notifications. Allow multiple staff members to work on your account. Set-up product groups and customized time periods.

Guest Access Feature
- Grant Access To Your SellerLegend Account to An Interested & authorized 3rd Party (Partner, Accountant, Virtual Assistant …)

Deep Data Inter-Relationships Feature
- Most Of The Data In SellerLegend Is Heavily Hyperlinked and Provides Powerful Drill-Down Capabilities
One Amazon Seller Tool to Rule Your Marketplace
Unleash the power of your Seller Central data to supercharge your business growth
Easily track your sales, profit, inventory, and other important aspects of your business with SellerLegend’s intuitive and fully customizable dashboards
Make better business decisions with near real-time data download and clear visualizations that support faster analysis and superior insights
Save time and effort on repetitive tasks with Amazon seller tools that allow you to automate management and reporting activities