

Hi there, Sellers!

What has been on your mind? See, we are not telepathic, But! We can help you if you tell us how. For the past few years, we’ve been working to grow your business, behind the scenes – but we decided to change our approach – let’s make the ground rumble together! We’ve resourced allocation to focus on major deliverables by the end of the year. Here’s how we can make sure you’re getting what you need: Engage with us! Answer our polls on our Facebook posts and comment what you want to dive deeper into.

We are here to minimize all the different tasks you’re juggling so you can be more efficient.
Your business can only grow if you invest your time and energy in the right places. We are here to help guide you through that journey. In fact, we are completely rebranding to show you just how committed we are to your success: If you ever feel overwhelmed, that’s both natural and unnecessary. The pin in our new logo design resolves your confusion and overwhelm by clearly pointing at the destination in our data.
(showing the logo)
You can reach your final destination, faster and more accurately. You don’t have to compromise your time and money.

Let us reintroduce ourselves to you. We are Seller Legend, and you are important to us.
In the next few weeks, we will keep engaging with you on our social media and on our website. Using videos, polls, and questions, we will be able to communicate with you and learn what you are missing, what data is crucial to your success and what you feel can make a huge impact on your future as an Amazon seller.
Stay tuned, because next week we’re going to share our secret on how to finesse around Supply Chain Management. Together, we can rediscover your data so you don’t have to go through the hassle. When was the last time you rediscovered something that made you happy?


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