SellerLegend Features

One Amazon Seller Tool to Rule Your Marketplace

Unleash the power of your Seller Central data to supercharge your business growth

Image of SellerLegend Amazon Seller Dashboard Widgets

Easily track your sales, profit, inventory, and other important aspects of your business with SellerLegend’s intuitive and fully customizable dashboards

Make better business decisions with near real-time data download and clear visualizations that support faster analysis and superior insights

Save time and effort on repetitive tasks with Amazon seller tools that allow you to automate management and reporting activities

Fully Customizable Amazon Seller Dashboards

Marketplace Dashboard
Product Dashboard
Slide of SellerLegend Product Dashboard
Customer Dashboard
Slide of SellerLegend Customer Dashboard
Available Widgets:

SellerLegend ships with 32 great widgets to get you started with your Amazon seller dashboard.

Each widget addresses important Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) which provide clarity and guidance about the state of your business. Each widget can be individually customized for even sharper levels of control.

All the Tools You Need to Manage Your Amazon Business

Sales and Revenue Monitoring

Product and Sales Performance

Ever wanted to see in one unified view the collective performance of all your Amazon product listings either by SKU or by ASIN or by product group or by brand?

Now you can.

You can even aggregate by day, week, month, quarter or any custom period you’d like.

Revenue Performance

See the most detailed and accurate Amazon Profit and Loss Statement.

Select any time period of your choice and see your P&L broken down by any of the following:

  • By Day
  • By Week
  • By Month
  • By Quarter
  • By Year
  • By Amazon Payout (Settlement Period)
  • By Product (*)
  • By Product Group (*)
  • By Brand (*)

(*) Denotes features currently under development

Order Management

Near Real Time Orders Download

See all your pending orders as they arrive, including their coupon codes.

View all your order details, including promotional discounts. Check every Amazon payout statement in excruciating detail – summarized by product, by brand or by product groups.

See all your financial transactions and fees, as well as your unit returns, with their detailed disposition, return reason and status.

Inventory Management and Forecasting

Precise Inventory Management

Would you like to know know how much product inventory you hold on hand, how much inventory is inbound, how much of it is in FC transit or pending for customer orders, what the age of your inventory is, how much cash is tied up, how many you are selling per day over any time period, how long the current inventory will last before you run out of stock?

You define the custom parameters which drive the forecasting and reordering process: delivery lead time, minimum stock on hand, minimum order quantities, crate quantities, crate round up rules, sales velocities, all of it at each individual product level!

Join Today For A Test Drive

You are only one click away from becoming part of our elite group of successful Amazon sellers and business owners
Start Free 21-Day Trial Now

Customer Management

Image of SellerLegend Customers List Dashboard
Meticulous Customer Management

List all your Amazon customers, their number of of repeat orders, the number of returned units, the customer lifetime value as well as the customer/product cross sell.

Customer Segmentation

Segment your customer base by number of order, number of units bought, total revenue or total profit. Assign up to 10 different customer segmentation levels (for example Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze …).

You decide how to structure the customer segments, the segment limits, even the segment names. You can also segment your customers differently by marketplace.

Customer Watchlisting

Watchlist VIP customers, likely resellers, troublesome customers, customers who experienced poor customer service – or any other reason you like.

You will be alerted whenever a watchlisted customer places a new order.

Customer Geotagging

See The Distribution Of Your Sales By:

  • US States
  • British Counties
  • German Bundesländer
  • Spanish & Italian Provinces
  • French Departments

See Your Sales Per State Per 1,000 inhabitants (Per Capita – US Only).

Product Management

Outstanding Product Management

List all your products and their details. Manage your inventory. Get daily product statistics emails.

Gather daily Pay-Per-Click costs by product. Tally your end-of-month stock position and valuation by detailed disposition.

Know all the Amazon Fulfillment Centers where you had Nexus during the month!

Flexible Cost Of Goods Management

Unlimited number of Cost Of Goods (COGS) Prices Per Product, applying to distinct, variable date periods. Unlimited Cost Elements (Meaning : Break-Down Of COGS) within Cost Of Goods Periods.

PPC Performance Tracking

Crystal Clear PPC Performance Visibility

See ALL your Amazon PPC Key Performance indicators both in a graphical view and a table view. The PPC data is downloaded daily automatically, no more handling messy Sponsored Ads Seller Central reports!

Track all your PPC sales, Campaigns Product Ads. Measure the performance of each keyword and search term. And, of course, download all the data you can see on any chart or table!

More Features from the Leading Amazon Seller Tool

Download all your data, ANY data. List all your incurred expenses. Tag your products for reporting purposes, Get daily statistics by email. Be notified of urgent events via SMS. Know how much product quantity to reorder and how much it will cost you. See your sales by geographical region. Add as many Amazon seller accounts as you need under a single SellerLegend Sign On.

Features Outside The Reach Of SellerLegend Due To Potential Amazon TOS Violations

We at SellerLegend pride ourselves on being 100% Amazon TOS compliant. The way we achieve this is by exclusively using the developer tools made available by Amazon for developers like us to access your Seller Central Account. Amazon allows developers access to other seller’s accounts by way of a method called the Merchant Web Services Application Program Interface (MWS API).

You would expect the API to allow access to all the seller’s data. Regrettably Amazon have chosen to limit and or restrict access to certain types of data, and therefore MWS API access to the following is not possible:

  • Review Tracking
  • Keyword Rankings

While we are quite capable of providing access to that data within SellerLegend, this would require us to use non-approved Amazon methods to do so. Would we use such methods, there is a slight chance that Amazon could penalize not only SellerLegend but also its users (that means … you). Denying ourselves the use of the illegal screen scraping method to reach the types of data not accessible by the standard MWS API puts us at a significant competitive disadvantage, as other suppliers of similar services do provide access to such data. However, we decided early on that we would never risk the loss of your selling privileges. And granted, the likelihood of such risk materializing is probably infinitesimal at this particular time. But we have all seen Amazon take drastic adverse action elsewhere when its rules were violated, even when such violations had been tolerated for a long time.

First class ‘one-stop-shop’ for finding out where you are with your e-commerce business.

“SellerLegend enables you to track your sales, profit, inventory and general performance on Amazon over time. You can add as many products and seller accounts as you like in all marketplaces. It will help you accelerate your business and minimize the time you spend analyzing results. And the company is run by an amazingly personable team who want to listen to your feedback and always improve to stay ahead of the competition. What’s not to love?”

Don’t take our word for it. Experience the Leading Amazon Seller Tool for Yourself!

Start Free 21-Day Trial Now
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